Monday, October 24, 2011

Bring it on!!!

The Challenge is on peeps!!! Many of you know how I feel about being proactive about my health! WELL. . . . .my new friend Erin Wilson and I are up and running helping our customers/biz partners/friends/family get on a 90 Day Bfit Challenge =) We have created Facebook pages to help motivate our peeps as well as a DAILY accountability call where YOU can call in ask questions about the challenge, share fat burning stories, and in my case GET OUT OF BED early and get the day going! Tell your friends who are looking to burn some fat to call in on any day of the week (Monday-Friday) at 8am to get a gist of what we are up to ;) the number to call is 805-360-1000 code #521428 For details log onto

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Will

No I am not writing about being stubborn or sharing a dissertation on "the Will of Lil"
The past few weeks we have been putting together a few Probate docs to ensure the well being of our brew in case Jerome and I would die (YIKES I hate even writing that)
NO. . . .there is nothing wrong. Have no fear Lily hopes to live on this side of Heaven till 125 (why 125---i like that number)
Yet, having taken law classes and reading about what happens to peeps who die intestate (without a will) is enough to stir in me a drive to get our house in order. Sadly, many people die without a will and it makes life MUCH MORE difficult for the loved ones they leave behind.
With as much travel as the honey and I are doing with the business -- we felt it was imperative to get the will drawn up and BOY did we spend time thinking/praying about who would be best to raise our BREW in case we both died. Let me say that it was NOT an easy task!!
Now I am at peace knowing the state won't take the girls and make the decision they feel would be in the best interest of the kids.
That whole Will thing behind us and a LONG JOYFUL life ahead of us----I say that as much as that needed to be done --- it is one of the most difficult documents that we have ever had drawn up!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The snow came in Sunday night causing school to be cancelled and roads to be closed off. Thankfully, knowing this storm was on its way we stocked up Saturday on food as well as flashlights and batteries.
Monday morning when the snow was piled up in front of the house the girls and I looked at each other and thought SNOW FIGHT (surely you would think the odds are on our side) YET, we are very much GIRLS---girlie girls!!! So I lasted about 20mins standing there watching my girls play. Even with warmers in my shoes MY TOES WERE COLD!!!

My 2 year old was done after she hit the ground and realized the white stuff was not marshmellow fluff! Then there are the ones who refuse to give in to the coldness forcing themselves to play in this weather.
Bella was my way out!!!. . . . . .I turn and say the baby is cold I am heading in. The 3 year old surprises me by crying out I want to stay "I like cold" so she stays with the BIG girls (for about 10mins)
THEN these wet, cold, frostbitten little critters knock on my door with that look on their face "We are Done"
Time to undress the COLD ONES and get them in a WARM bath. Getting them naked right at the door was not one of my brightest ideas---lets say there must have been a draft and they were not liking the undressing thing at all. Watching these little ones run up the stairs to their bathroom was. . . . in one word.. . . .HILARIOUS (something about a toddlers butt is just so cute) AND NO I did not undress the older ones the saw me undressing the little ones and took cover running up the stairs dripping ALL over the rug---ARGGGGGG
To their defense they did help bathe everyone and load up wet clothes into the laundry =)

Jerome has missed all this fun since he has been in La since last Friday. His flight was cancelled and is waiting to hopefully fly out tomorrow (Wednesday). With more snow and rain coming I am not sure that will happen. At first I was a bit upset he didn't try to fly out Sunday and beat the storm. Yet, times like this I realize how well our house runs. We all pitch in and get done what needs to get done. Raising the girls to be personally accountable pays off. They each take time to help out.

All those times of diligently teaching them, creating boundaries, creating consequences for each action---THAT THIS has been what I do, my job, my career, in spite of running my own business RAISING my 7 GIRLS is my passion---seeing the fruit of my labor is my delight. YES there are lots of seeds still to be sown--I sow them each day with tomorrow in mind. My older girls have started to sow their own seeds---I yearn to see the fruit of their labor as well.

So there are two ways to look at things--- Depending on how I CHOOSE to look at things in life is how THEY (my offspring) will CHOOSE to look at things
1)this snow is just getting in my way to getting out the door---school, work, errands, lunch dates, coffee meetings, etc OR 2)thank you God for days like this we are blessed to have one another---days like this we get to enjoy playing, reading, watching movies, doing nails, just kissing on one another---days like this I am more and more aware of His provision, His care for us,  as my daughter would say "He has our back!"

My oldest is 15 today---blossomed into a beautiful woman--yes a young woman NOT a teenager---around here we raise young ladies not "teens". In the next few weeks we will be planning her Bday party----her "Quinces" (not as extravagant as a typical Quinces) yet one that will allow her to come out and enjoy herself with her friends with family---dancing, laughing, making memories!!!

Stay warm, plant your seeds very very diligently, live LIVE LIVE for Him and Him alone ---for trust me if you find yourself complaining and restless you are living for man and not for God =)

Till next time. . . . . . .
LilyPlus7. .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Lily Stories"

Gathering material from loved ones who have been there during moments in my life where YOU would not believe me when I share the stories--yet there just happens to be a witness =)

Moments shared with family and friends are life's most valuable treasures. Having a chance to log them in a Blog or a book is just perfect.

Therefore if you have a "Lily Story" you care to share please forward your story to

The girls are so excited to hear about all those CRAZY moments mom was part of.  Crossing my fingers that my peeps keep the stories "G" rated =)

Living life to its fullest leaves us with many many memories that are and should be near and dear to our hearts. The good memories and the sad ones ALL make and form us into the people we are.

Looking forward to reading your email.


Monday, January 3, 2011

LOL!!! I couldn't remember how to log on to my blog!!!!

My favorite thing in life is LEARNING!!! I am in awe at how much information the human brain can hold---in my case I take in information till smoke starts to pour out of my ears =) This whole blogging thing for 2011 is exciting yet, it comes with a learning curve----therefore taking way too long to make it enjoyable right now!

First----I forgot what site I chose to start this thing!
Second----I couldn't find the paper with the password on it!
THEN lastly I slammed a few drawers as I searched for the notebook which stores passwords and usernames. Till WALLA here we go I am in!

Happy New Year to all my peeps! 2011 shall indeed bring about change----unwanted change or purposeful change THAT is the question =)

Life is full of excitement for the LilyPlus7. . . .  household. This year our oldest turns 15 (actually in EIGHT days) we are prepping for her party in February!!!
The littlest one turns two next month which ushers in a year FULL of wonderful material to write about here on my new Blog.

Facing the coming year with great expectations and lots of plans.

Today is the girls last day of Christmas Vacation therefore tonight we get back on our routine. Time to go check book bags, pick out clothes for the week, and pencil in activities to the calendar.

OFF I go to figure out how to share the Blog with friends =)

Till next time. . . . .


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Following lilyplus7? Can you handle it?

From driving on the wrong side of the road (in a parking lot), adding way to much baking soda to a recipe (trust me not a good idea), leaving the house with two different shoes on, showing up to a dentist appointment the day before the actual appointment, forgetting to pick up my child at gymnastics, leaving the 2 year old at the church nursery--and not realizing it till we were 10 minutes from home----YES these are all REAL life experiences at the lilyplus7 home!!!!

Each year I try to do something challenging and excited to OFCOURSE add on to my plate---2011 ushers in a year of sharing with you and your friends the adventures of lilyplus7----thank you for choosing to follow our blog---I challenge you to keep up with us ;)
Stay tuned as we share the ups and downs of raising 7 amazing girls (YES I did birth them all)!

May 2011 bring you prosperity, hope, joy, beauty and many many moments of laughter! Laughter indeed is medicine to the soul!

Stay tuned. . . . . .surely the Holidays are filled with many BLOOPERS at our casa (home)
Hanging out at Disney with Titi Yvette xoxo